Thursday, May 14, 2015

Announcing Ubiquiti Unifi AP Giveaway Contest

Those interested in enterprise WiFi networking are invited to enter a new contest held by Copper Wireless.  Contestants have the opportunity to win one of three Ubiquiti UniFi® Access Points: a UAP, a UAP-Pro, or a UAP-AC by subscribing to the company’s newsletter.

The contest is being held to bring attention to Ubiquiti UniFi Enterprise Wireless equipment as well as new retail websites, and, both managed by Copper Wireless.

When asked about the contest, John Blount, owner, had this to say about why people should enter:
“Copper Wireless, LLC is excited to hold this contest and get the word out about the Unifi solution to enterprise wireless networking. They really have a strong offering to bring to the market and at a pretty disruptive price-point as compared to the competition.”

Winners will be chosen based on random drawing and all winners will be announced on May 29, 2015. Those who are interested can sign up for the contest via the company website. Deadline for entry is May 28, 2015.

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